General rules

1. The date of birth of a student once entered shall not be changed.
2. The wearing of the school uniform is mendatory. The violation of this rule is a sufficient reason for the expulsion of as student form the school. No students will be allowed in the school premises without the prescribed uniform.
3. The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory,  whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students, or whose guardian show little or no interest in the progress of their  ward. Grave insubordination, discourtesy or disrespect to teachers, contempt of authority, wilful damage to the property or physical violence will result in dismissal form the school.
4.No leave of absence is granted, except on written application from parents. Mere sending of an application is not sufficient. The sanction of    leave must be obtained.
5.Fines may be imposed by the discipline committee for irregularity indiscipline or damage to the school property.
6.Parents should see the children’s diary every day and note the home work and any other instructions. They should ensure that sufficient    time is set apart for home study.
7.The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the loss of money, books, articles, cloth, etc. of students belongings.
8. Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives, harmful instruments , mobile phone, cd-s and other restricted materials to school.

Terms & Conditions for Online Payments

1.Once a User has accepted the Terms and Conditions,he/she may register and avail the Services.

2. In the se Terms and Conditions, the term “Charge Back” shall mean, approved and settled credit card or net banking purchase transaction(s) which are at any time refused, debited or charged back to merchant account (and shall also include similar debits to Payment Service Provider's accounts, if any) by the acquiring bank or credit card company for any reason whatsoever, together with the bank fees, penalties and other charges incidental thereto.

3. Server Slow Down/Session Timeout: In case the Website or Payment Service Provider’s web page,that is linked to the Website, is experiencing any server related issues like ‘slow down’ or‘failure’ or ‘session timeout’,the Users hall,before initiating the second payment,,check whether his/her Bank Account has been debited or not and accordingly resort to one of the following options:

 In case the Bank Account appears to be debited, ensure that he/ she does not make the payment twiceandimmediatelythereaftercontacttheInstituteviaemailoranyothermodeofcontactas provided by the Institute to confirm payment.
 In case the Bank Account is not debited, the User may initiate a fresh transaction to make payment. However, the User agrees that under no circumstances the Payment Gateway Service Provider shall be held responsible for such fraudulent/duplicate transactions and hence no claims should be raisedtoPaymentGatewayServiceProviderNocommunicationreceivedbythePaymentServiceProvider(s) in this regards shall be entertained by the Payment Service Provider(s).

4. The Institute and the Payment Service Provider(s) assume no liability whatsoever for any monetary or other damage suffered by the User on account of: Thedelay,failure,interruption,orcorruptionofanydataorotherinformationtransmittedin connectionwith use of the Payment Gateway or Services in connection thereto; and/ or Any interruption or errors in the operation of the Payment Gateway.

5. The User agrees, understands and confirms that his/ her personal data including withoutlimitation details relatingtodebitcard/creditcardtransmittedovertheInternetmaybesusceptibleto misuse, hacking,theft and/ or fraud and that the Institute or the Payment Service Provider(s) have no controlover such matters.

6. Althoughallreasonablecarehasbeentakentowardsguardingagainstunauthorizeduseofanyinformation transmittedby the User, the Institute does not represent or guarantee that the use of the Servicesprovided by/ through it will not result in theft and/or unauthorized use of data over theInternet.

7. The Institute, the Payment Service Provider(s)and its affiliates and associates shall not beliable, at any time,for any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay inoperation or transmission, computer virus, communications line failure, theft or destruction orunauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information contained on the Website.

8. The User will be required to login his/ her own User ID and Password, given by the Institute in order to register and/ or use the Services provided by Institute on the Website.By accepting these Terms and Conditions the User aggress that his/her User ID and Password are very important pieces of information and it shall be the User’s own responsibility to keep them secure and confidential. In furtherance hereof, the User agrees to Choose a new password, when ever equired for security reasons.
Keep his/her User ID& Password strictly confidential.
Be responsible for any transactions made by User under such User ID and Password.Debit/Credit Card, Bank Account Details1. The .The User warrants,agree and confirms that when he/she initiates a payment transaction and/or issues an online payment instruction and provides his/ her card / bank details:
The User is fully and lawfully entitled to use such credit/debit card,bank account for such transactions;
TheUser is responsible to ensure that thecard/bank account details provided byhim/her are accurate;
TheUser is authorizing debit of the nominated card/bank account for the payment of fees selected by such User along with the applicable Fees. The User is responsible to ensure sufficient credit is available on the nominated card/bank account atthetimeofmakingthepaymenttopermitthepaymentoftheduespayableorthebill(s)selected by the User inclusive of the applicable Fee.Payment Gateway DisclaimerTheServiceisprovidedinordertofacilitateaccesstoviewandpayFeesonline.TheInstituteorthePayment ServiceProvider(s) do not make any representation of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the Payment Gateway other than what is specified in the Website for this purpose. Byaccepting/ agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, the User expressly agrees that his/ her useof the aforesaid online payment Service is entirely at own risk and responsibility of the User.Cancellation PolicyOncetheUserwillberegisteredandpaidtheFeethroughonlinePaymentGateway.He/Shewillnotbeableto cancel thetransaction in any circumstances. No Payment will be refunded to the User.Payment Refund Policy for Online PaymentsRefund for Charge Back Transaction: In the event there is any claim for/of charge back by the User for any reasonwhatsoever, such User shall immediately approach the Institute with his/ her claim details andclaim refund from the Institute alone. Such refund (if any) shall be effected only by theInstitute via payment gateway or any other means as the Institute deems appropriate. Noclaims for refund/ charge back shall be made by any User to the Payment Service Provider(s)and in the event such claim is made it shall not be entertained.Refund for fraudulent/duplicate transaction(s):The User shall directly contact the Institute for anyfraudulenttransaction(s)onaccountofmisuseofCard/Bankdetailsbyafraudulentindividual/partyandsuch issues shallbe suitably addressed by the Institute alone in line with their policies and rules.Personal informationVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL understands your desire to protect personal information. We intendto inform you how your personal information will be gathered ,tracked orused, and to give your choices .Ifchoices are not offered on web pages where your personal information obtained, please select one of thecommunication channels at the bottom of this statement to indicate your communicationpreferences.General Information we gather and trackWe request personal information when you create an account, place an order, register aproduct, request a service, answer a survey, enter a contest, correspond with us or engage incertain other activities on our website. For example, If you submit an order on-line with us,we will ask you for information necessary to complete the transaction such as your name,address, and credit card number. If you request technical support online, we will ask you forinformation necessary to complete the transaction such as your name address and informationabout your computer hardware, software and the nature of the problem you areexperiencing.Youmakethedecisionwhethertoproceedwithanyactivitythatrequestspersonalinformation. If you donot wish to provide the requested information, however, you may not be able to complete thetransaction.How we use the General Information we gather and trackWe use personally identifiable information in the following ways:Toprovide you with information about product upgrades ,new products, services,newsletters ,informative emails,and research on future product ideas or improvements;To assist us increating content that is relevant to you;To provide you with special offers that may be of interest to you;To assist us increating better products and services to meet your needs;Toallowyoutopurchase,download,andmanageproductlicenses,obtainaccesstoservicesorotherwise engage inactivitiesyou select;To help you quickly find software ,services or product information important to you. Withwhom we may share your informationVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL collects and uses your personal information to operate the Site anddeliver the services you have requested. VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL also uses your personally identifiableinformation to inform you of other products or services available from VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOLand its affiliates. VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL may also contact you via surveys to conductresearch about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered.VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL may provide your personally indentifiable information to the affiliatethat initially referred you to the Site.VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties.VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external businesspartners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In addition, VRINDAVANPUBLIC SCHOOL may retain the services of outside contractors to provide services for us. Theymay be used to ship products, provide technical support, or handle order processing. We requirethat these contractors keep the personal information of customerssecureandconfidential.Wealsorequirethatthesecontractorsusepersonalinformation only on behalf ofVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL. VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL will disclose your personal information,without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such actionis necessary to:

(a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served onVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL ;

(b) protect and defend the rights or property of VRINDAVAN PUBLICSCHOOL ;and,

(c)act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of VRINDAVANPUBLIC SCHOOL, or the public.Opt out of providing certain informationVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL provides a number of ways for you to opt out of receivingadditional information from us or having us provide your personal information to our partners.We may offer you these choices at the time you give us your information. If you are on aVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL web page that requires personal information but does not offercommunication choices, or would like to change your preferences for information that you havepreviously provided, please use one of the communication channels at the bottom of thisstatement. If you are registering a version of a product that does not provide you thecapability to indicate your communication preferences ,please use one of the communication channel sattwebottom oft his statement. If you do not wish to continue receiving our email newsletters orbulletins you can opt out of receiving these communications by replying to the unsubscribe inthe subject line in the email.Privacy of ChildrenVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL is committed to protecting the privacy needs of children been courage parents andguardians to take an active role in the online activities and interests of their children.VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL does not knowingly collect information from children under the ageof 13 and VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL does not target its websites to children under 13.Software Updates Provided OnlineVRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL provides a online update service to provide improved versions oursoftware. These updates are provided to correct operational defects and provide additional featurefunctionality to our users. As part of the software update process, we collect the followinginformation: a statistically unique number (but not a Windows GUID), your serial number, yourIP address, software version, type of operating system, the number of pages and documentsthat have been created, the number of users, installation language, the number of days used,relevant file association,user action logs,installation and update version ingandcontrol information.We collect this information in ordertohelpusbetterunderstandtheusagepatternsofourproductstoprovide moretimely and relevent updates. We also use this information for planning and forecasting serverloads, upgrade patterns, licensing, and purchasing patterns. The information is also used togenerate aggregate statistics about how our software, web site, and update services are used sothat we may provide the best possible support to our customers.SecurityWe have taken security measures, consistent with international information practices ,to protect your personal information. These measures include technical and procedural steps to protect your data frommisuseUn authorized access or disclosure, loss, alteration, orderstruction . Credit card information is transmitted using securesocket layer (SSL) encryption.Since VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL is a global company ,we provide company information our world wide offices.The personal information that you have provided to us may be transferred to other VRINDAVANPUBLIC SCHOOL offices around the world. Also, in certain countries our outside contractorsmight undertake the collection, transferring, storage and processing of your information.We make a sincere effort to respond to your requests to update or correct your personalinformation. If you believe that VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL does not have your current personalinformation, you can update it by using one of the communication channels at the bottom of thisstatement.Use of CookiesThe VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL Siteuse"cookies"tohelpyoupersonalizeyouronlineexperience.Acookieis a textfile that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies cannot be used to runprograms or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and canonly be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time orqualify you for special offers that VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL may make available from timeto time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to aspecific page. Cookies simplify the process of recording your personal information , such as billing addresses,shipping addresses ,and soon .When your e turn to the same VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL Site, theinformation you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the VRINDAVANPUBLIC SCHOOL features that you customized.You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically acceptcookies, but youcanusuallymodifyyourbrowsersettingtodeclinecookiesifyouprefer.Ifyouchoosetodeclinecookies,you may not be ableof fly experience the interactive features of the VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL Site that you visit.
Business Partner and Cobranded Web SitesAt the VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL Site, there are a number of links to companies with whomwe have a relationship. VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL is not responsible for the privacy practices of ourbusiness partners .We encourage you to read their privacy statements, as they may differ fromours. We also link to cobranded web sites that are maintained by VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOLand one or more of our business partners. When you submit information to one of our cobranded sites you may be submitting it to both VRINDAVAN PUBLIC SCHOOL and our businesspartners and theprivacypoliciesofthesecobrandedsitesmaydifferfromthisprivacypolicy. We encourage you toread the privacy policies on any cobranded site to which you link for information on theprivacy practices of that site.Customer Support and Discussion InformationPleaserememberthatinformationyousubmitinaforpurposesofcustomerorproductsupportinadiscussion group orforum will be deemed public information and is not confidential. There is a risk in suchcommunication venues that information can be collected and used by others. Please be carefuland responsible when you are online.Privacy Contact InformationIfyouhaveanyquestions,comments,orwouldliketochangeyourcommunicationpreferences,pleasecontact us using oneof the options below:EmailyourPrivacycommentsorquestionstoprincipal@nerschool.comPAYMENTFLOW1.World line India Collects payment through various sources such as UPI,Internet Banking, Debit and Credit Cardsand the payment will be reaching the School through world line India.

Promotion rules

1.Promotion criteria for classes I to IX & XI stage will be governed by the Certificate Examination of the Board (CBSE).
2. Promotion to the next will not be granted until the final examination and compiling of the annual result.
3. The report card records the progress of a student in her studies as well as the evaluation of her conduct, application and attendance during the year.The students will have continuous and comprehensive evaluation that will be spread over the year as per CBSE guidelines.
Grades will be awarded to the students for their performance.
4.Failure to appear in any examination conducted in the school will affect the promotion of a student.
In all question of promotion or failure, the commitees decision in final
5.Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of marks for those subject, and excludes the pupils from being reckoned in the order of merit and from a prize.
6.If a students does not have 90% attendance in classes K.G. to IX and 75% in class X at the end of the session she will be prevented from appearing in the final examination.
7.No approach will be entertained for the promotion or admission.
8. Promotion from one class to another is decided on the student’s progress throughout the year which includes all the tests, exams and other internal assessments.

Recommendations to parents

1.Children do their home work regularly.
2. Children are vaccinated and inoculated against infectious diseases.
3. Tuitions are playing havoc with the lives of children. They have no time to do any self study; instead they waste away their precious time     of self study and games etc. The growing up mind is being polluted in different ways. Hence encourage children to form the habit of self study and to clarify their doubts form their own subject teachers in the school.
4.Students who engage teacher of the school for private tutions without the permission of the principal are liable to disciplinary action even to the extent of expulsion form the school.
5.Children do not give any gift in cash or other things to any teacher or employee of the school.
6.Children do their home work regularly.
7.Children bring their diaries, text books, note-books etc. to school. These should be properly maintained.

Contact Us

Vrindavan Public School
Post-Prem Nagar, Mathura - Vrindavan Road, Village - Dhorera,
Uttar Pradesh - 281121

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+91 7895170545

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